Too many files in Display Properties > Desktop
It takes over a minute to load the thousands of files stored in the folder My Pictures. This only happened about a month ago and I cannot find any help online. One person said this is a default thing WinXP has an there's nothing to be done.I thought I could just remove them and put them in a different folder, but most of them are in Picassa too, and I don't want to break the link and have Picassa reload them from the new folder.Is there any way I can just go back to the few Desktop pictures that come with XP? I have had XP for about 6 years and never had this problem before.Many thanksCardol
November 8th, 2010 10:53am

Hi Cardol,1. What is the size of the RAM?2. Is there enough space in your hard disk to store pictures?I'd suggest you optimize your computer and check if that makes a difference. you are referring to sample pictures in XP, you will find them in Start > My Pictures > Sample pictures.Azeez Nadeem - Microsoft Support[If this post was helpful, please click the "Vote as Helpful" (green triangle) button. If it helps in resolving your issue, click "Propose As Answer" or "Mark as Answer" button. By proposing/marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.]
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November 9th, 2010 2:54am

Hi AzeezMy RAM is 2GB and My Pictures folder is 17GB. Does that make a difference? I regularly run Disk Defrag and CleanUp. But I've always had loads of photos in My Pictures folder and they have never shown up on the Desktop Picture option before.I just want to go back to the 15 or so pictures I used to have by default, with the option to click to my own folders.Many thanksCardol
November 15th, 2010 11:09am

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